
Audio response Account Information Day or Night!


Teller-Line makes it possible for you to get information about your checking, savings and other deposit accounts without talking to a member service representative, and allows you to process transactions without making a trip to the Credit Union.  Updated each business day, Teller-Line provides you with the most current information about your account.  There are no charges for using Teller-Line.

Call us and apply for this easy and convenient service.
(361) 855-4494

Main Menus

  1. Hear Account Balances and Transaction Activity
    • Hear Account Balances
    • History of Deposits
    • History of Withdrawals
    • Dividends and Interest Paid or Received
    • Plays List of Cleared Drafts
    • Plays List of All Active Loans
    • History of all Account Transactions
  2. Perform Phone Transfers or Make a Check Withdrawal
    • Transfer from Savings to Draft Account by phone
    • Transfer from Draft Account to Savings by phone
    • Transfer between any two account suffixes
    • Account to Account Transfers
    • Make check withdrawals from Savings or Draft
  3. Calculate Loan Payment
  4. Access Special Services
    • Change Account PIN (Personal Identification Number)
  5. Hear Current Dividend and Interest Rates on Savings and Certificate Accounts


Account to Account
Transfers Available on Teller-Line

You can transfer funds from one account to another account by using a touch-tone telephone. This TELLER-LINE AUDIO RESPONSE feature conveniently allows members with multiple account ownership to make transfers without having to come by our office or contact our staff. In order to activate this service, contact our Member Services Department to sign an Authorization Agreement.

Quick Tips

  1. Only use a touch-tone telephone. Some push button phones many not work.
  2. Always have your account number and PIN ready when dialing.
  3. Follow the automated instructions to get information on all of your accounts, or press the star key (*) at any time to return to the main menu.


Step-By-Step Instructions to Start

  1. Dial 853-CALL (853-2255)
  2. Teller-Line greets you.
  3. Enter “1” to continue in English or “2” to continue in Spanish.
  4. Enter your account number, followed by the pound sign (#).
  5. Enter your PIN number.
  6. Listen to the menus and make your selections. There are no transaction codes to remember!
  7. Press the star key (*) at any time to return to the main menu.
  8. To end your call, simply hang up.

Available in English or Espanol


Account Verification Every two years your credit union conducts a Verification of Accounts to maintain the financial integrity of members account records. The verification is being performed as of September 30, 2020 with assistance of auditors from Credit Union Resources, Inc. A notice of the verification is included with your statement. Please compare your statement with your records and report any differences in balances to: Credit Union Resources, Inc. Financial and Technology Services P.O. Box 655147 Dallas, TX 75265-5147 Or via email at: If you do not receive a statement, contact Credit Union Resources, Inc., Financial and Technology Services. When replying, please state your name, account number and the name of the credit union. If no errors exist you do not need to take any further action.